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Sweating My Ego Away: How Hot Yoga Humbled Me

growth mindset insight tools Oct 17, 2024

Have you ever tried hot yoga? It’s a regular part of my weekly routine now, but not so long ago the idea of packing myself into a sweltering room with a bunch of sweaty strangers wasn’t exactly appealing. 

It wasn’t until my partner at the time kept raving about the benefits that I finally agreed to give it a shot.

When we walked in the front door of the studio, I was a mix of nervous and curious. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was getting myself into. But I also didn’t want to let anyone know that I didn’t know what I was doing. 

I puffed up my chest and walked up to the front desk. 

“Is this your first hot yoga class?” the woman behind the counter asked.

“It is,” I said, trying to sound confident.

She smiled. “Great. Your goal today is simple: just stay in the room.”

I laughed. “Stay in the room? Ha, okay. Yeah, no problem. I got this.”

“For the whole class!” she called after me as I headed toward the practice room. I was still chuckling to myself about the absurdity of that goal as I unrolled my mat.

The class started gently enough. The teacher led us through breathing exercises and I could feel myself settling in. But my mind was still hung up on that advice. Stay in the room. Was she joking?

I’m an athlete. I’ve done tough workouts before. This would be easy. 

But the poses started getting harder and the heat started ramping up. My body felt like it was melting from the inside out and within three minutes I was drenched in sweat. But I pushed through. I wasn’t just going to stay in the room - I was going to dominate this class.

Or so I thought.

Around minute 30 my body had other plans. I found myself flat on my back, gasping for air, wondering how something as simple as staying in a room could feel this hard. Freedom was just twenty feet away. I could get up, walk out the door, and end this torture.

But I didn’t. After all, she told me what the goal was. Stay in the room. 

It was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. And the memory of it continues to teach me lessons today.

Why was I so resistant to being a beginner? Why was it so hard to accept that I didn’t have it all figured out? Was I embarrassed? Worried about being judged by others in the room?

Even now I find it challenging to admit when I don’t know what I’m doing. But there’s a strange power that comes with acknowledging the limits of our expertise. When we allow ourselves to be beginners we unlock our capacity for growth.

Once I let go of the need to be a confident expert I gave myself permission to make mistakes. I spent two-thirds of that class on my back committed to a goal I once thought was beneath me. But it freed me. I could ask questions, make progress, and learn.

After that experience, I talked with teachers, sought advice, and realized that the beginner’s mindset didn’t just apply to yoga. It applied to everything.

I started to look at my work differently. I tried to catch myself when I felt like an expert with all the answers. If I could look at my tasks as a student and pretend I was seeing them for the first time I often found innovative new solutions to problems, and became a better team player. Plus, the work became more enjoyable as a result of embracing my curiosity and creativity. 

My relationships shifted too. By seeing things with fresh eyes I realized how much I still had to learn from the people in my life. I started to show up to conversations with loved ones with a greater desire to listen and grow and our connections deepened and became more fulfilling. 

The beginner’s mindset brings with it curiosity, creativity, and a willingness to grow. By embracing what we don’t know we accelerate our growth and set ourselves up for real success.

How can you be a beginner this week? Can you try something completely new (hot yoga, perhaps)? Or maybe you can revisit something you’ve been doing for years with a fresh perspective. Ask questions. Be curious. See what happens when you become a student of your own life.


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